I am currently open for face to face consultations at the clinic.

I am strictly adhering to advice from the UK government , the NHS and I am following the guidelines from my professional body so that I can open safely.

Safety measures

To protect you and me I have put the following safety measures in place:

  • A consent form will be emailed to you with a questionnaire on it. This must be returned before your appointment.

  • Regular deep cleaning of all clinic spaces with both anti-bacterial and anti-viral products between patients. This includes all treatment room, door handles, card payment machines, and all other surfaces, including the chairs.

  • I will be wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), wash my hands and use hand sanitiser between patients.

  • You must wear a mask. If you forget you will be provided with one at the cost of £1

  • All patients will be required to use the hand sanitiser provided on entering the clinic.

  • Your temperature will be taken ( infra red ). If over 37.5 c you will not be allowed in the clinic.

So all in all I am confident that between us we can stay safe. If you think you may need some help and would like an appointment please get in touch.

Thanks Ali